August 29
Hello there chakas! I am writing my first almost daily event in quite a while as you can see. Today was the first day of school. We started out with a grand assembly. Afterwards primetime, then first hour. Not anything too much of interest here, just the usual first day stuff like seeing your old buddies and such. Big K even let me wear her soccer shirt! Then I went through the day as usual meeting the rest of the teachers and talking to old ones. At lunch me and the bert and the Mike Harper went to Taco Smell. Although the food is inferior it is inexpenisve so I bought some and ate it. Then we came back just in time for 5th hour! I can't believe I got homework on the first day of school. I have a study hall or two anway. Tomorrow I am going to do like shvotz and write down my thoughts so I can post them on TBS later. After the school day The Bert took me home and I did things.