August 30th, 2001
Well, it being the SECOND day of school, I should tell you nothing interesting happened yesterday really. Today was just starting to become routine. I got up, did my shtuff, and headed to school. Unlike yesterday, I got a good parking spot so I wouldn't need to walk far to get to school. I walked in, and right away saw Bert. We hung out and conversed for several minutes until the bell rang. I went to first hour (science) and tried to be quiet, but I had to talk. In case you didn't know, in science, I am trying to be the quiet one and actually learn something this year. Next was Math which was fairly easy seeing as it was only the second day. And since it WAS the second day, we had Prime Time, which is just a lame way of saying Homeroom. My Prime Time happened to be the same as my Math room, so I just kinda stayed there. Nothing new there. Social Studies came next, and then Choir where I fixed the TV so we could watch the announcements (with the help of Mr. Ziegler). Mr. O'Connell said something funny on it, but I don't remember what it was, so I won't waste any more of your time. Lunch was great, except some Frosh sat at our table, which I didn't get. I guess I don't have the fear factor I once possessed. Oh well. English was next. Then HTML, where I got frustrated cuz I forgot to save some stuff yesterday. Then Computer Science, which is in the same class, so I hung out again. Did the scavenger hunt for a while. Then came band where we learned "Mellow Yellow" which was kewl!
Well, that was my school day, and I worked but got off early. Seeya later!