September 11, 2001
All of my wacky adventures for
September 11, 2001
Today was quite possibly the most tragic day in the history of the United States of America. The day started with social studies, and before anyone knew what happened. We were having class as per usual, and at abuot 8:20, Dan Cefzick came in late. When asked why, he gave some weird excuse, but then mentioned that he had heard on the radip that someone had crashed into the World Trade Center. I didn't believe him too much. I mean, I was listening to the radio on my way to school and all they were talking about was earwig penises (or is it peni?), which was actually kind of interesting. Did you know that earwigs have two penises? Anyway, I went into marketing, and discovered that the rumor actually was true. I discovered that not only had one of the towers been hit, but both of them, in addition to part of the Pentagon. The rest of the day was spent watching the news in every class. Some of the teachers didn't want to, but Mr. O'Connell said they either had to have their TV on, or go to a room that had a TV on. Hmm, he actually did someting cool. I did have band and gym as they were yesterday, but it was still a truly different day. I will contact you again tomorrow.