November 1, 2001
All of my wacky adventures for
November 1, 2001
Ahh, the first day of November, and the second-to-last day of
the first quarter. Quite a day, too. I was in the best mood I've been in for probably
the last 6 or 7 months, and I still am. Not even Social Studies could bring me down. In
fact, I kind of actually enjoyed parts of it. Then, Marketing was actually fun cuz we
spent the whole hour working on our soap projects. Then came the big test: Could my
happiness last through Computer Science? Yes. Despite computer troubles and Mr.
Coller's hatred for me, I managed to make it out happy. But then in English, a sudden
threat came up! A seating arrangement that put me next to Shannon Hodel. (Ahhhhhh!)
But I made it through. Study Hall helped my happiness with it's humor value. Then in
gym, I got a bullseye in archery, which made me even happier. Then in Study Hall I wrote
the true-life story/daily event for Halloween.
Finally was band. I had fun practicing marching for the parade in 10 days. Plus we had
pep band again, so I got to see Joelle earlier than normal. Woo! I am happy, which is a
sensation altogether new to me! See y'all later!