January 8, 2002
All of my wacky adventures for
January 8, 2002
It has been quite the while, eh? I didn't even do one on these at all in December, so I will make up for it this month and next. So, today is an extra special daily event. I'm actually writing this before most of the day. It's currently third hour (about 10:12, to be precise). Anyway, on to the day. First hour History we did some boring historic stuff, and I was too tired to realize that I had signed up to be Andrew Jackson's campaign manager. I haven't even started working on it, and I already regret it. Then, in Marketing, we veered off course from a discussion about how customer services work to an amusing anecdote about Mrs. Hibner's boyfriend in high school, who is now an underwear model who impregnated a female television star, and is quite possibly gay. But then we went backto marketing stuff. Currently, here in Computer Science, I'm not doing any work because I know I'm gonna fail the class. If I know I'm gonna fail, and have to do it all over again, why should I do some dumb work? Now,on to the predictions. Next hour in English, we will read from some story about a guy. Then at lunch I will go to the taco. In my fifth hour study hall, Brandon, Joe, Courtney, possibly Megan, and I will enjoy another fun hour of ridiculing Chase, and throwing Hershey's kisses at his head. Gym will be fun, because we will play volleyball. I like that game. Yesterday, we played that and people got smashed in the face 5 or 6 times. It was great hilarity. Later on, in seventh hour study hall, I will probably read the book I started last night. It's called "Skipping Christmas" by John Grisham, and is so far, very good. Finally, I will conclude my day by playing some hot percussion in band. Tonight I will play more percussion in pep band. WOO! Goodbye til TOMORROW!