January 17, 2002

All of my wacky adventures for
January 17, 2002

        Well, today was the first day of finals. As such, it was a short, short day timewise. Yet, the tests themselves seemed ever so long. First up was band. Since we percussionists don't have to do scales, Pautz, Anthony, & I went to the auditorium to work on percussion solos. Whilst we were doing such things, Officer Brennan came in, drawn by the racket, and said, "Shouldn't you guys be taking a test?" So we says, "No, we're in band. There is no test." So he leaves while saying, "Oh, ok. Sounds good." From there, it was on to Social Studies. This final was not terribly hard, but it was very lengthy. I was the last person to finish. I'm kinda dumb like that. Finally, I arrived at Marketing, where I probably failed. Anyhoo, we then went to Pizza Hut, with about 30 others, for MO's birthday party. It was fun. I will do another daily event for tomorrow's finals. Ok, Byebye.

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